I was on the way to check out a musician at Izilla Toys with my guys and I put in the wrong info into the GPS and ended up in Madison Park instead of Capital Hill. I was too late to turn around so we stopped in at a cute little consignment store called Sugarlump where I found this awesome board book. My guys are in love with trains and this book has these little pull open flaps where you can see what’s in each type of train car making it officially amazing and we’ve already read it a zillion times.
We also terrorized Essential Bakery momentarily while waiting for some treats and then headed back to the van to find a park. Normally, the guys would cut me a little break but we’d already missed out on the Children’s Museum (got there too late and couldn’t find good parking and knew it would be a zoo), the trolley (saw some guys working on the tracks as we drove by) and then the toy store where the Bean is trying to get me to buy him this.
(Incidentally, both grandmas play the accordian and we need to one day get them to do a duet!) So instead of taking time to figure out what was the best park nearby, I just scrolled down the same GPS that got me in trouble in the first place.
The first park that came up on GPS was five minues away but when we got there it had no playground so when I saw “Madrona Playground” labeled clearly as a playground I crossed my fingers started driving and this is what we found.
An hour later, we decided this was a fantastic morning despite all the misadventures trying to figure out what to do. I loved the cherry blossoms and was a little sad I didn’t have a real camera with me but when you drive around aimlessly and end up with a fabulous day you can’t be picky. And, I did note there is a Cupcake Royale on the corner near this playground if I ever get lost near here again….