Chilly Monday Shopping Wishes

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We have been on snowflake watch all morning and though we’ve seen a bunch of puffy clouds hanging in the chilly air we haven’t even had one teeny flake yet.  I’ve been putting off today’s run because I’m so freezing cold.  Hopefully some new running attire might help.  I love my Athleta pants I bought last year so I have to buy another pair and this morning I decided to invest in a Lululemon run shirt I saw this weekend when I shopped with two of my favorite people in the world.


My mom, sis and I checked out Nordstrom’s Holiday party and had fun shopping in Bellevue Square.  I really liked this scarf I saw

oxblood scarf

and this cardigan too

oxblood cardigan

I love the oxblood colors but couldn’t make my mind up this weekend but since I’m still thinking about them I may have to go back and pick them up.  (I hate when you have that nagging feeling that you SHOULD have bought something, don’t you?) The whole day was really festive and we scooped a bunch of fun presents for ourselves and others.  We had a giggle over this ‘watchdog’ we found in one of the change rooms.


And we also managed to get ourselves lost in the parking garage….

I’m definitely trying to lose less things in the New Year so I’m excited that Name Bubbles sent me some labels to try out.  I don’t need a ton of labels yet, so the Share Pack is perfect because you can do multiple names on one order.  They are dishwasher/laundry safe so I’ve been putting them on their waterbottles and lunchbags so the kids can tell their stuff apart at school and sporting practices as they get more independent.  We’ll see how this goes, but I totally think it will help.  (This might even be a creative present you could give a mom-friend who is always complaining about losing her kids’ stuff.)

And has anyone tried GoldenTote yet?  I just did the 2-3 item box to see what this will be like, but I might try the 7 item box next time because I love how you get to pick one item and the rest is a surprise.  It might push my fashion boundaries a little and a lot of the clothes look pretty intriguing. The hubby thinks as long as I give away one or two things I don’t wear from my closet for everything new I bring into my closet, we’ll end up with less stuff in our house.  I’m a little skeptical but I think it’s always good to take stock.

Anyways, I am still in the process of cleaning my craft/office room and that’s what I’ll be doing today unless I get hung up at the Container Store or Storables dreaming and collecting new things to help me contain my knick knacks and supplies….

Happy Monday!  Anyone else have good deals or fun shopping finds this week?

(PS. I received labels from Name Bubbles but I’m not required to review and these opinions are my own.)