One day I’ll be thankful for the hours I’ve put in running, but I’m going to give my legs a little break for a couple of weeks.
I just survived my 2nd half marathon in Vancouver at the Lululemon Seawheeze and it is such a gorgeous run. I just got too sweaty that I couldn’t take anymore pics after the first twenty minutes to actually prove it. Last year seemed a lot less hot, I think and I remember it even rained a little.
I’m just so thankful for my two besties S and S for coming out to cheer me on and for S’s husband R for hanging out WAY after he finished his run we we could take our victory picture.
My ladies actually know me so well they texted me during the run for moral support. (No texting back from me. They need to invent sweat-proof phones and it is way too hard to text and run properly! But every day I thank all my lucky stars that we have technology and super cool tools to keep connected. )
I’m also thankful for my little loves who tell me next time I better go a little faster so they don’t have to wait so long. And for my big love for washing all the dishes, tidying and putting the kids to bed so I’ve been able run at night after dinner until the sky turns dark and full of stars.
Maybe this is becoming a yearly project? Or my healthiest part-time job ever?
We’ll see.
I’m just thankful for a couple of hours to push my limits and sweat horribly in a city I love. (And get a running selfie before 7am in the morning. Because that’s where it’s at.) I run because of all this and because I want my 80-year-old self to look back at how I’ve lived and know I gave it my all.
(PS. it looks like they have the registration date for next year: Sign up on September 10th this year to run August 15, 2015!!!)
Terumi Pong is a Seattle-based family travel writer and mom of twin teenage boys. She loves coffee and pastries, shopping local and looking for greener ways to live. She is also known as Scout’s mom (Scout is a 5ish pound little black yorkie-poo)