
using citibikes in NYC with the lift app

How to bike ride all over New York City for $15 a day with Citi Bike and the Lyft app

June 5, 2023

I always thought New York City was a walking city. “We walked 25000″ steps a day!” people always say when you ask them how their NYC trips went. So after our last trip, using a Citi Bike Daypass and the Lift app, we definitely still got in nearly 25000 steps a day but we also […]

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Scout the yorkie poo jumping at the Beach at Expedia Group park on Seattle Waterfront

Where we park in Seattle to go to the beach at Expedia Group (Scout’s Favorite Park)

September 13, 2022

If you follow along on my instagram, we tend to visit the beach at Expedia group with Scout quite frequently. It used to be where we parked to go biking with the kids when they were small. It’s near where the cruise ships dock and it’s also where you’ll find the closest lupine patches growing […]

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