Just like many people like to stop for ‘gas’ at Costco when really they want to check out the handbags or the makeup, the Edaleen Dairy is a great stop for ‘milk’ before you head into Canada.
And by milk I mean soft serve ice cream made from milk because this place has the best soft serve ice cream in Washington and British Columbia (in my opinion of course) and I don’t think the prices have changed since we first started going when I was little. (The kids’ scoop is huge and at one time was still 75 cents, I think it’s gone up since then) A friend tells me that she likes to customize her scoop with a hand-dipped ice cream scoop topped with the house-made soft-serve, but we’re still purists and we stick to chocolate and vanilla swirls. And one day we should actually buy milk here, but we’re always too busy and distracted with our cones that we forget that buying milk was our excuse to come here in the first place.
We hadn’t been in forever even though we love this place because the borders have been so busy and it’s hard to make a case for getting ice cream at the Lynden border which doesn’t have Nexus if it means adding more waiting-in-the-car-with-kids-time. Of course that’s no problem now that Edaleen is open in Blaine. We can get ice cream and we don’t have to chance waiting in a long border line because the Peace Arch border has Nexus and so we can get our ice cream and get through the border too.

And you know the Peace Arch Park that you see when you drive through the border? We’ve always wondered about how to access it and we noticed the entrance is actually near the ice cream shop, so we’ll have to make a stop here next time we come for ‘milk.” The park would definitely be a perfect stop on a sunny day if we need the kids to run around a little before we get back in the car-especially if we’re heading past Vancouver to Whistler too! (this post was written before 2020 and who would have thought Peace Arch Park would have been such a monumental place before then…you can read my post about it here)
Have you stopped here? And have you ever bought any other dairy products here that we should try?
(PS this is not the only soft-serve ice cream place we’ll make a detour for. We also love a place called Screamers up in Steveston BC, which is only open in the summer and is famous for ice cream with a slurpee-type mixture that is definitely worth driving for too!)
Terumi Pong is a Seattle-based family travel writer and mom of twin teenage boys. She loves coffee and pastries, shopping local and looking for greener ways to live. She is also known as Scout’s mom (Scout is a 5ish pound little black yorkie-poo)
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