What is the deal with FEND Everyday Airway Hygiene?

FEND everyday airway hygiene and airway cleaning mist
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I received FEND everyday airway hygiene for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. This post may contain affiliate links.”

As someone who has been a Seattle blogger for years, I’ve tried out a lot of cool products with Moms Meet and this one sounded really unique. A spray for everyday airway hygiene made by a company called Fend? Why on earth do we need this?!! According to FEND, “this is the world’s first 100% natural way to filter airborne allergens, pathogens, and other harmful particles from the air you breathe.” As someone who constantly has a couple of air purifiers running at all times in her house lately, this product was very curious to me.

Ingredient list for FEND everyday airway hygiene product on a seattle blogger review

Just spray twice and inhale-but what is it?

If I told you I was also scared to try FEND, I wouldn’t be lying at all. Reading that you need to take two big inhales of something you spray in the air in front of your nose is not high on my list of anything I really want to do. But then I found out that the ingredients are just water, calcium chloride, and sodium chloride (like salt water). I immediately think of all the other things I might have inhaled today: a cloud of cigarette smoke (second hand and totally not on purpose, I accidentally walked into it around a blind corner), fumes from our toilet cleaner, perfume, hairspray as well as countless other nameless toxins, so two sprays of this didn’t seem that bad at all.

So I tried it.

And honestly I have no idea if it works or not yet or if I ever really will know at all.

I’ve been using it for a few days. And I’ll use it for the 30 days that it lasts. Ultimately I might even buy it for the winter season just in case. Because I’m someone who still masks in grocery stores when COVID numbers go up or if I know I’m going to be around my grandma soon. I’m someone who puts on sunscreen when I go outside on sunny days. I’m also someone who has all my vaccines. And when I searched FEND (make sure you go farther than the first page on google) I found scientific journals and seemingly credible articles that suggested this might be a helpful tool to reduce the amount of pathogens that enter our airways. It even is one of Time Magazine’s best inventions of 2020. And I didn’t find anything that said it might be harmful.

Maybe it’s a little spendy

I do think that lowering the price a bit would help make daily use more compelling but I have no idea what it costs to make this. 30ish dollars 12 times a year can really add up these days. And we humans are fickle with what we do for things for preventive healthcare. Thankfully if you’re thinking of trying this too you can save 15% on all orders of FEND on hellofend.com with the promo code MOM15. (And if you want to keep the savings going past your initial order, make sure you subscribe to always get 15% off and free shipping for the duration of your subscription.)

Are you concerned about the particles and pathogens in our air too?

I’m glad I got to try this out because we really got into testing for COVID and using air purifiers since the pandemic started and I’m hoping we see more research and more products focused on the air that enters our airways especially after all we’ve been through in the past couple years. If you try this too please tell me what you think.