The Last 5 years and going to a play at the ACT theatre in Seattle

ACT theatre in Seattle
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Theatre has such an interesting unspoken contract that we don’t seem to have anywhere else anymore. Without explicit instructions, we know to find our seats and tuck ourselves carefully into place without jostling the chairs around us all the while clutching jackets, handbags, and programs quietly into our laps. When the lights darken we grow silent. We know we are the audience. And at the ACT theatre in Seattle playing the part of audience is even more abundantly clear as we sit in a circle around the stage, all of us almost part of the performance as onlookers.

My husband and I arrived earlier than usual to our seats for the Last Five Years ( this was a media invite) because I haven’t been to the ACT theatre in a while and I wanted time to take in the whole experience without rushing. It is such an intimate setting, it is a worth a visit just to feel theatre done in this way. I even had time to read through the program and in this program I noticed that there are pages of donors who contribute to this historical place and with even a $100 donation the ACT theatre offers a behind the scenes visit through a Tech Talk. I think this is such a thoughtful way to engage donors and make them feel part of a non-profit. About 10 minutes before the play started, all of us in the audience suddenly quieted for no apparent reason. The whole place silenced. We all looked around and a few of us giggled. I don’t think I’ve ever had this happen in a theatre before.

I found the musical well done but I have to admit I did not like the Last Five Years. Do we have to like something for it to be good? This musical is not my typical choice (I am more of a happy ending type person) but I’m really glad I saw it. I think it is important to see things that aren’t always in our comfort zone. These kinds of things help us to grow.

This musical was a creative look at a relationship written with an intriguing use of timeline. The part that troubled me was that it felt like it was supposed to be a two sides of a story type of play but the narrative seemed to side with one part of the story. Also I thought the play was older than it was-I checked to see if the musical was written in the 1950’s or sometime way before the 2000’s but it was not. So I think this is a musical you should really read up on before you go or even maybe even watch the 2015 Last Five Years movie-I think this might have helped me understand it more. The two actors who carry out the whole musical were talented (and there are two sets of performers for these characters that alternate throughout the run of the show) and gave polished performances while a live band on stage played all the music. And there is enough here to be entertained for the 90 minutes without intermission. I just found it a very depressing and heartbreaking look at life and I keep thinking about it so maybe we need this kind of outlook sometimes too.

The Last Five Years is at the ACT theatre until March 18, 2025 and you can find tickets here.

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