As long as I can remember we’ve stopped at Squamish on the way to Whistler. When I was younger it meant that we’d get an Egg McMuffin and coffee in the early morning on the way to a day of skiing from Vancouver. And then Tim Horton’s came along and we started stopping there for coffee and Timbits.
Now with the Tesla, this is one of the best chargers we’ve found because there are so many amenities nearby and we are usually done charging long before we’re done shopping.
It’s great that the Starbucks here has a convenient bathroom and free Wifi.
And Canadian Tire is one of our favorite stores. This is where we stock up on hockey sticks which are lacking in supply in the stores in our Seattle neighborhood. (I don’t understand why more people don’t play hockey in Seattle!)
London Drugs is where we go to get Canadian snacks we miss like Hawkins Cheezies Coffee Crisps and Aero bars.
But we never even realized there is a playground here for the kids!
It’s right next to the Locavore Food Truck stop and the TOY STORE!
I like that stopping in Squamish keeps a tradition going and I hope more charging stations end up in places with so much to see like this one!
If you have an electric vehicle, have you found an amazing place to stop and charge up your car? I’d love to hear about it-especially if it’s in a reasonable driving distance from Seattle. I just heard that a new Tesla charging station opened up in Boise Idaho and we haven’t been there yet…..
(PS. if you’re driving from Seattle to Whistler in a Tesla and curious where we stopped, we also stopped at the Supercharger in Mount Vernon for a charge on the way from Seattle and charged for a while at the SuperCharger in Squamish because our Whistler hotel (Nita Lake Lodge) did not have a charging station. In Whistler we paid for parking under the conference center and charged at the electric charger there and we tried to stop at the electric charger in front of Edible Canada on our way home but it was occupied but we still have enough of a charge to make it to the Mount Vernon Supercharger again.)
Terumi Pong is a Seattle-based family travel writer and mom of twin teenage boys. She loves coffee and pastries, shopping local and looking for greener ways to live. She is also known as Scout’s mom (Scout is a 5ish pound little black yorkie-poo)
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