All the Strawberry fields near Seattle I was recommended on Threads

strawberry fields near Seattle where you can u-pick
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My friend and I took our boys berry picking together maybe 10 years ago and wanted to recreate the day before our giant teens can drive together without us. I thought we would go to Duris Farm, a farm that feels the closest to where we live in Seattle. Unfortunately it wasn’t open the day we wanted to go-berries seem to be a little later this year(The best place to check opening times and information seems to be Facebook for Duris Farms recently) My strawberries at home are still flowers as I write this. Maybe it will be different next year. I took to threads to ask if anyone had a place near Seattle where they loved to pick berries so I thought I’d share some of the strawberry fields near Seattle that got multiple responses just in case you want to pick berries too. I’m not sure what this year’s season will be like but typically we start thinking about strawberries at the beginning of June and they usually seem to end by early July. (and then we start looking for where to pick raspberries….)

Remlinger Farm

We went strawberry picking on the Juneteenth holiday and tried to go to Remlinger Farms. When we got there only the store was open and that’s where we were told the strawberry field was not. (I looked on the website the night before and I guess it hadn’t been updated. When we checked again as we left the store it did say the field was closed. So it’s important to check before you go.) We used the bathroom at the store before heading to Harvold Berry Farm which is less than a 10 minute drive away and a farm that got a lot of recommendations on Threads(most berry farms only have outhouses…..) Remlinger Farms is where we went 10 years ago and the boys used to love all the amusement park rides. The farm has grown into a bigger endeavor than years ago-it now has a brewery or distillery onsite as well as concerts on some nights too.

Harvold Berry Farm

We pulled into the grassy field to park about an hour after it opened (always check opening times on actual websites) and most of Seattle already seemed to be picking here as well. This year the berries were kind of covered in grassy weeds so it was a little like an Easter Egg Hunt. I wonder if this is a type of purposeful planting because we stopped by another farm in the area on the way back to Remlinger Farms and saw same grassy overgrowth on this field too.

Broers Farm

A friend of mine posted this one in her stories and she will probably kill me for posting about Broers Farm because not only did these fields look empty but they also didn’t have the bushy overgrowth we were picking in. It looked absolutely perfect and it’s organic too. When I checked out Broers Farm Facebook page I noticed that it also had a few days where they were closed to let the berry fields rest to grow more berries so it’s really important to check. Also because berry fields are closing some days the days they are open might become quite busy. If this happened to me I might try nearby Terra Valley Farms which also says they have upick strawberries on google maps and if I was with kids and desperate maybe I would switch the day to a reptile theme and head to the Reptile Zoo.

Bailey Family Farm

I thought about heading to this one because it has an early opening time (when I checked it was 8am). Bailey Family Farm is in Snohomish, WA. And also because threads user “roxndirt” told me to go to Top it Yogurt after we picked berries and this is a frozen yogurt place with a Titanic Theme. I have never heard of Top It yogurt and I think I want to visit here now even if we don’t get to berry pick too.

Spooner Farm

The day we went berry picking I got a one-day-only coupon at Met Market for a half flat of Spooner Farm berries for less than what we would pay for pick ourselves berries. So when we tired of berry picking I went and picked up these berries too. The Spooner berries were absolutely gorgeous. I got a lot of recommendations to pick at Spooner Farms but I don’t know if you can actually pick there. The website said there wasn’t any upick when I last checked and the Facebook confirmed “we no longer have upick” too

Picha Farm in Fife

Picha farms got a few recommendations but I don’t know much about this farm. I think ultimately the best way to pick a berry farm is to pick the nearest one to you so you don’t have to drive far (which is why we usually go with Duris) or one that has treats and snacks you enjoy nearby, or one that has multiple farms nearby just in case one is too busy.

And where I’d go if I had young kids

Remlinger Farms (if open for berry picking) is probably the place I’d choose if I had young children just because it has bathrooms nearby and you can make the adventure a whole day-we’ve had some really good memories here. And I also saw that Swan’s Trail Farms has berries but I’ve seen this place really busy in apple/pumpkin season so I haven’t been in a while.

Have you been to strawberry fields near Seattle this year? Do you have a favorite place to u-pick?

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