If you ever needed a reason to go and see a musical surrounded by people in a theatre and feel hopeful, maybe it’s now and Wicked the Musical in Seattle is the one you want to see. Wicked the Musical is in Seattle until December 1st at the Paramount Theatre and it’s here for multiple weeks so you have a lot of time to try and see this one too. I was invited for a media night show and it has a stellar cast and set- I’ve seen this musical four times now (in the past 16ish years) and I’d go again in a heartbeat.
Know Before you go
Do you know the story of the Wizard of Oz? Wicked is based on that Frank Baum story and it’s pretty essential to this musical. The book was quick read for my guys when we saw Wicked for their first time (they were fifteen) and here’s a link to Wikipedia’s Wizard of Oz synopsis if you’re reading this last minute.
Wicked the movie is also coming out this month (November 22nd) and because of this there is so much Wicked paraphernalia in all the stores. One cool thing you can try in Starbucks in many cities (not just Seattle) are two Wicked themed drinks created by a Seattle local and the Carlile Room across from the Paramount theatre has a Wicked themed menu for a limited time. (we tried to eat at Dough Zone next door about an hour before showtime to no avail-we ended up about 24th on the waitlist and would have been late. I got my “you can be seated now” text just as we got to our theatre seats)
If you go with kids to Wicked in Seattle
Before you buy tickets note that children under 5 are not admitted to Wicked in Seattle. It is recommended on their website for ages 8 and up. And this probably applies to more than just families with kids but the bathroom lineups were incredibly long the day I went-so much so that I’ve never seen so many people miss the start of the second act of a play. If I went with my guys when they were younger I would probably try to find tickets close to the aisle and closest to the rear doors of the theatre just to be able to enter and exit with more time just in case. I think my nine year old niece would love this play and I hope it comes to Vancouver Canada one of these days too.
If you are looking for a sensory friendly performance
There is a sensory friendly performance on November 16th and it’s a matinee. You can find more details here. I’m really thankful that a lot of plays in Seattle have sensory friendly performances.
And if you’re curious about discounted tickets
This musical is sadly not a TeenTix musical but there are details about how to get last minute tickets for discounted prices through the Lucky Seat Lottery here.
Have you ever seen Wicked the Musical? One of my best friends took me to it years ago (2008) in London when I was pregnant with twins and you can eat ice cream in the theatre there and between the music, the storyline and this dear memory, this has been my all time favorite musical ever since.
Terumi Pong is a Seattle-based family travel writer and mom of twin teenage boys. She loves coffee and pastries, shopping local and looking for greener ways to live. She is also known as Scout’s mom (Scout is a 5ish pound little black yorkie-poo)
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