Kimberly Akimbo a Broadway Seattle musical you should see

Broadway in Seattle Kimberly Akimbo
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I don’t really want to tell you all about Kimberly Akimbo the musical so that you can go and have it wash over you with hope and joy and love in spite of all the tough things we have to face and live and can’t do over or redo. So if you want it all to be a complete surprise, stop reading here and go buy your tickets because it’s only here until January 12th or go stand in line for $30 Rush tickets that according to the Broadway in Seattle instagram are based on availability first-come, first serve 60 minutes prior to the performance (you can buy 2 tickets per ID cash or credit)

As for the rest of you, it is probably the first musical you or I will ever see with real ice skating in it. And they even choreographed ice skating dances. I have no idea how they did this or created this mirage.

Kimberly Akimbo Seattle

And “Better” will now forever be the song we hear in our heads on days milk falls out of the fridge and spills all over the floor or when our car door gets scratched or our favorite restaurant closes. “When life gives you lemons….you gotta go out and steal apples cause who the f%&* wants lemons?! Yeah”

My husband and I were hosted on a media invite and it was such a busy day, we both came from meetings, and sport’s drop-offs and piles of emails from over the winter break, and we settled into our seats with a bit more cynicism than usual and this musical just washed over the minute details of life, and reminded us about love and hope and that we don’t get a do-over. This is it.

The whole cast of this Kimberly Akimbo musical in Seattle was exciting to watch but Miguel Gil who played Seth was spectacular. There is also a scene with snow and the skating rink that feels so real it doesn’t feel like it’s happening on stage. And as the mom of teenage boys, a car scene with the dad is hilariously relatable. I don’t think I would bring kids younger than 13 to this one-there are a lot of complex subjects in this. If it wasn’t such a busy time of year for our family, I would totally bring my sixteen year olds.

This is a Broadway musical my husband and I enjoyed and would recommend. Kimberly Akimbo is playing at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle through Jan 12, 2024. From Seattle it will head to Portland, OR then on to Costa Mesa, California.

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