Do you ever wonder about the story behind the art you see? I’ve been following along as a new mural at Grand Ridge Plaza was created. I was so curious to meet Tori Shao, the artist who was commissioned to paint the stairway behind Dick’s Sporting Goods and learn the story behind her new art […]
Read MoreHere’s a list to add to the stack of all the other lists that exist about this city but I heard someone (a Seattleite even!) say Pike’s Place market again recently and I couldn’t just write a post about that without sounding too angry Seattle so I thought I better write this post instead. So […]
Read MoreMy family seems to have entered an architectural era of travel where we purposely visit towers and buildings like the Space Needle the CN tower, or maybe the Rookery in Chicago to check out the views of a city, and even in our own city, and learn a bit about the history of a place. […]
Read MoreAs usual, we were last-minute in looking up what to do in Toronto for our summer trip (all we had planned was the Hockey Hall of Fame) and discovered online that there is a Toronto CityPASS and instantly knew we didn’t really need to do any more research. We are big CityPASS fans and have […]
Read MoreIt is pretty difficult to find soufflé pancakes in Seattle and we’ve searched the area a lot. We went to Japan in 2019 and managed to get some that were pretty spectacular. (I think we’ve all seen soufflé pancakes on TikTok’s from Japan) When I was doing quarantine in my parent’s basement in Vancouver during […]
Read MoreThis is a sponsored post for Genuine Skagit Valley to highlight their Farmstand Fresh Campaign-they have a Skagit Valley Farm Stand tour posted on their website too and we visited in late July 2023 for this farm stand tour. My family knows that if there is a farm stand on any drive we do, I […]
Read MoreMy kids are at the age where they’re barely considered kids anymore. At 15 years old, they definitely do not order off the kids’ menu and they no longer need to immediately stop for playgrounds when we pass them on our travels. But old habits die hard and I can’t help myself-I keep an eye […]
Read MoreThe Seattle Waterfront Shuttle is back. Here is the shuttle route for 2023 and it runs 7 days a week from 10am-8pm and approximately every 20 minutes. The shuttle season will run from July 17th 2023 to September 24 2023 and each shuttle has about 20 seats and are ADA accessible. There are two shuttle […]
Read MoreIt’s summertime in Seattle which means a whole different feel to the city than we have from November through May. Summer is one of the best times to be in Seattle and there are a million things to do in Seattle in July. This is when we experience some of our best weather-often seemingly endless […]
Read MoreHello Summer, it feels like we’ve waited so long for you and every year you are so fleeting. Summer can also be tres expensive and I’m always looking for fun and free things to do in Seattle and close by. Seattle in summer feels pretty perfect. Free Waterfront Shuttle The Free Seattle Waterfront Shuttle is […]
Read MoreMy family didn’t pay anything to see the Karl Lagerfeld exhibit (it’s there until July 16) or the recently opened Van Gogh exhibit (on display until late August) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art when we visited a few weeks ago. We have a Patron Membership at our Seattle Art Museum and they have a […]
Read MoreI don’t know about you but sometimes when we travel we get a bit museumed out. We can only see so many things in a short period of time before all the sites start to overwhelm our brains. So when we were on a 5 day trip to Ireland I gave my kids the choice […]
Read MoreA trip to Greece was one of my family’s dream trips and we finally made it happen this year. It’s a place that does not have a direct flight from Seattle so it is a more difficult type of place to plan a trip from where we live especially if it’s a trip where time […]
Read MoreI recently worked on an instagram campaign with King Country metro where I learned that Washington State is the first state in the USA where youth can ride free until their 19th birthday. Since late 2022, thanks to Move Ahead Washington which is a statewide transportation funding package, transit is free for riders 18 and […]
Read MoreWhy on earth is this Seattle list only for May to October? Is it the weather? Is it school holidays? Or is it because this is the time when all the cruise ships come to our city? From May to October in Seattle, our city feels like we get a little more packed. And I […]
Read MoreI always thought New York City was a walking city. “We walked 25000″ steps a day!” people always say when you ask them how their NYC trips went. So after our last trip, using a Citi Bike Daypass and the Lift app, we definitely still got in nearly 25000 steps a day but we also […]
Read MoreHello June, have we really have made it here this year? Seattle schools gets out near the end of the month and it truly doesn’t feel real yet after the last few soggy days. There are definitely a lot of things things to do in June in Seattle though (like have you been somewhere to […]
Read MoreTiming and life doesn’t always give you what you want, and my husband had a work conference during our mid-winter break in Nashville. Nashville?!! My twin teenagers were not the most enthusiastic about this trip. Being from Seattle, February usually has us dreaming of somewhere warm like Hawaii. And mid-winter break can be a longer […]
Read MoreI wish I could take more credit for this itinerary but I planned very little of this 10 day Greece trip. I didn’t think I’d actually get to go because I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease at the end of last year and I’ve been undergoing treatments. So I didn’t want to plan […]
Read MoreA few months ago I posted a couple of my frequent Costco purchases in my Instagram Stories. For the cabin I always purchase this Essential Baking Company bread because it lasts FOREVER in your cupboard and when you want fresh bread immediately you bake it in the oven for about 15 minutes and it turns […]
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