All about Armoire, a Seattle clothing rental that will change the way you shop for clothes online

A review of Armoire Clothing Rental Subscription from a company based in Seattle
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I am one week into my Armoire clothing rental subscription and I’m starting to wonder why I never got into clothing rental before. When I think about all the worn-one-time gowns hanging in my closet at this very moment taking up prime closet space, it seems crazy that I used to go out and buy a new fancy dress for every occasion we had in our old lives. And if I hadn’t been invited to try out this subscription I probably would have been okay sitting at home in my sweatpants as I have been for the past year of staying at home. But since trying on a fun red dress that I would never buy, just for myself to wear for one afternoon and then being able to send it back into the universe and not the infinite laundry pile, I feel forever changed. And I’ll be doing this for at least a four-month clothing adventure and I’m looking forward to sharing my experience here.

helloterumi wearing clothing from Armoire in Seattle a rental company for outfits

If you hate laundry, Armoire is a perfect solution

In my early days of our baby twins I used to have dreams about disposable clothes; clothes that you could wear once and never have to think about again because we were always swimming in a sea of laundry. And I hope I’m not wrong but it sounds like this is pretty much what we do with our Armoire clothes. We use the reusable bag that the clothes arrive in and we send them back when we’re finished to be professionally cleaned for the next wearer. And it’s way better than disposable because they’re not being thrown in the garbage-someone else will get to wear these clothes too. It’s a community of sharing, but we subscribers do not have to do the laundry part and that is a beautiful thing.

So we are helping the environment by renting clothes from Armoire?

Sometimes I think I just buy clothes for entertainment and because I want to try certain trends. Or like recently, sometimes I have to buy new clothes for a bit because I’ve been wearing my stretchy pants too much and eating too many sweet treats. Armoire seems to fulfill the needs for clothing that is for a short time or for a trend or for enjoyment and the price of renting seems like it’s reasonably priced too. I like to think that by subscribing and renting instead of buying I’m doing a small part to help the environment and because I’m not buying a ton of new things, my wallet is benefiting in the process as well.

But what if I want to keep the clothes I’m renting?

I love that you can buy any of the items that you rent on Armoire. You can rent the clothes as long as you are a member so if I know I’m going to be a member for 6 months, I could keep the same items for that same length of time. But if I want to keep them forever, there is even a purchase price for each item based on length of wear, etc. so if I really wanted to keep an item I could just pay for it too. And Armoire also tells the difference between the value of the item and its current price to help determine the discount in buying the clothing after its been worn by the Armoire community and I like that you can buy cool clothes for a discount because they’ve been worn.

So now how does an Armoire subscription work?

armoire clothing rental unlimited plan

I have the unlimited subscription on Armoire which means I get to choose 6 items and exchange them as many times as I want to in the month. Right now I have 6 outfits that were shipped to me almost on the same day I placed my first order. I chose from a selection of outfits that were presented to me from a style quiz that I took. But I also put brands that I liked in the site’s search engine and keywords like “outerwear”, “coat” and “red dress” to help get my selections too.

I haven’t had a chance to wear all the other things yet, but I am now done with the red dress and I’m packing it up in the reusable bag it came in to send it back to Armoire. Because I notified them I’m sending it back, I get to choose an item to replace that one. And my new outfit is already on its way. I just need to try and send the red dress back within 24 hours of letting them know I’m returning it. I thought this would be more difficult but it seems pretty easy so far.

And is the cost of the Unlimited subscription “worth it?”

This is the question I want to solve in the next 4 months. I want to know if it is “worth it” to rent clothes and do I need another subscription in my life on top of my Disney plus, my Core Power yoga and all the subscriptions we need nowadays. Also, is the Unlimited plan the right plan for me, or would I benefit by doing a different type of Armoire clothing subscription plan.
When I log into my Armoire account, it already lets me know that the value of the clothes I’ve rented is over 1000 dollars. I’m excited to see how much this number grows over the next few months. And I haven’t bought any clothes in the last little while since I started this subscription.

How about a referral code for a Armoire clothing rental discount?

If you are also interested in Armoire, I’ve linked my referral if you need an Armoire clothing rental discount. And if you end up subscribing, I’d love to hear about how you like it too and what you’re choosing for your first case.

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