Sometime last year Country Dough snuck quietly into Pike Place Market in a cute little courtyard tucked behind the long and winding Piroshky Bakery line. (I do love Piroshky Piroshky and alternate between the garlic, onion and cheese and apple cinnamon and I noticed that they are doing a Valentine’s Box if you want one […]
Read MoreHow I managed to miss the Hello Kitty Food Truck in Seattle bewilders me but I know I’ll get my Hello Kitty fix in Tokyo later this year. I am excited though to have my favorite little cat in OUR city and the exhibit at the Experience Music Project or what we Seattleites call the […]
Read MoreFew things catch my eye like tasty pastries and whenever I walk by Michou Deli, I am intrigued by these round donut-like desserts in the window and I’ve been meaning to try them for a long time. But because this place is right next to Le Panier, I always go there first for the macarons […]
Read MoreEveryone I know has been talking about going to Whistler lately and it is such a fun place to go-especially with kids-there is just so much to do. When we were MUCH younger the hubby and I used to wake up early, pack his two-seater gold Fiero to the brim, and drive off with his […]
Read MoreI’ve been wanting to take my boys to eat at the Salish Lodge ever since my husband and I stayed there last year and I heard about this honey from heaven thing they do to pancakes where if you ask for honey on your pancakes, they drip it from far above your plate. I thought […]
Read MoreSnowflakes have come along way since I was little. I remember when I first learned that there were sites that have snowflake patterns so I didn’t end up with my usual square with little holes cut out. This year I’m excited to make paper Star Wars snowflakes with my guys and I’m so thankful people […]
Read MoreLast weekend we got our Christmas tree at Christmas Creek, a tradition we only broke once (last year when we had to buy our tree somewhere else that was still lovely) and still even went there just to see Santa. I’ve been asked a lot about Christmas Creek lately and it will probably forever be […]
Read MoreHands raised only half for truly opting outside this weekend. I didn’t. I couldn’t help myself. The sun was shining fantastically on Friday and I do love a good parade. And my family couldn’t help but check out the Seattle Center festivities too. I’m so excited to take my guys ice skating here this winter […]
Read MoreAmidst the dreary Seattle weather, the daily election dramas, the red cup battles and sadness over horrific world events I’m not ready to lose my holiday spirit. There is so much in life to be thankful for, to be happy for and to spread joy for-I think that’s what drives me to live and I’m […]
Read MoreI’m more of a coffee cup half full type of girl so when my little guy ended up home because of a fever the night before (and a 24 hour rule at school where you can’t come back until fever has been over for 24 hours) on a day when Amazon opens its first book […]
Read MoreI can totally get used to these no-umbrella, sunny fall weekends in Seattle especially now that it’s soccer season. We spent the weekend tidying the house, playing soccer and bike-riding through gorgeous fall leaves (and I’ll update you on our big bike ride later this week!) but it’s perfectly autumn in Seattle right now so […]
Read MoreFor birthdays in our family we like to do experience gifts. The kids have really enjoyed going to the Space Needle for Dinner for their birthday and I was thinking about what to do for my husband for his birthday. I thought a fun birthday gift might be a sight-seeing trip in a small plane […]
Read MoreMy sister who is an animal lover recently watched a horrific grizzly hunt that somehow made its way into her Facebook feed and it totally disturbed her so much even days after she saw it that she told me not to watch it-EVER. She described it as the story of a beautiful trapped bear who […]
Read MoreAre you as scared as I am that our kids won’t have libraries one day? Every time I buy books on Amazon, I make sure I use the “smile” site at instead of just regular so the company can give a percentage of my purchase back to non-profits and I choose Seattle Public […]
Read MoreWhen I was contacted a few weeks about a new run in Woodinville put on by Destination Races Wine Country Half Marathons, I was excited to try it but was a little worried because I am in no shape to run a half and I didn’t think I would have enough time to train. My […]
Read MoreRemember the beginning of summer when it seemed like we had forever just to do whatever we wanted to do? It seems so far away now that school is on the horizon in Seattle and the sky gets just a little darker earlier and eating ice cream cones in the evening means putting on a […]
Read MoreIt seems that a good city can never have too many markets or dogs and thankfully in Seattle both are abundant. If we happen to be downtown Seattle and somehow make our way to our favorite window full of puppies we can stand there for hours and we tend to get hungry. I thought about […]
Read MoreA couple months ago someone from the Hands on Children’s Museum contacted me about their upcoming Sand Festival and I mentioned that not only did I not know about the festival, we had not visited the Hands On Children’s Museum yet. You must visit, they said. And so we did. Oh my goodness. How have […]
Read MoreIt’s a great time for electric cars in Seattle right now-everyday it seems like we see more and more on the road and I even noticed a bus advertising AAA emergency roadside charging service for electric vehicles and they have a lot of resources on their website too. This type of thing makes road trips […]
Read MoreIt’s starting to become a tradition that every year on their birthday my guys decide that the SkyCity restaurant at the Space Needle is where they want their birthday feast. Of course they love this place because I’m terrified of it. (Ahh…karma.) Yes, it’s a fabulous beacon that helps me easily find Seattle Center and […]
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