Oh weekend! Why are you so fleeting? We made a brief stop in Vancouver this weekend because I had tickets to the IDSWest, a stylish design conference and I thought we’d celebrate the hubby’s birthday with some friends while we were there too. The conference took place at the Vancouver Convention Centre and this building […]
Read MoreSee these Pepperballs? One year I think we received five of them for Christmas. FIVE. And I never even knew that they were homegrown in my city. Thanks to a field-trip I took at the International Food Blogger Conference in Seattle, we visited the Chef’n headquarters where a bunch of fellow food bloggers and I […]
Read MoreMy sister who is an animal lover recently watched a horrific grizzly hunt that somehow made its way into her Facebook feed and it totally disturbed her so much even days after she saw it that she told me not to watch it-EVER. She described it as the story of a beautiful trapped bear who […]
Read MoreAre you as scared as I am that our kids won’t have libraries one day? Every time I buy books on Amazon, I make sure I use the “smile” site at www.smile.amazon.com instead of just regular Amazon.com so the company can give a percentage of my purchase back to non-profits and I choose Seattle Public […]
Read MoreFood is so much a part of our day that I almost take it for granted but it definitely drives my day plans, my travels, and my life. Even my family lives for food. We care about how it grows and gets created. We care about learning about how it gets from its source to […]
Read MoreAfter the kids were home for a little while and the novelty of summer wore off, the days of endless play and running around and daily sibling wars made my grown up brain weary and my body tired; I couldn’t help it and I didn’t mean to. I started wishing for tomorrow forever. (I think […]
Read MoreWhen I was contacted a few weeks about a new run in Woodinville put on by Destination Races Wine Country Half Marathons, I was excited to try it but was a little worried because I am in no shape to run a half and I didn’t think I would have enough time to train. My […]
Read MoreWe just spent a lovely week on Vancouver Island and I never realized how EASY it is to travel there from Seattle. Since we’ve been doing a lot of road trips by electric car lately, it was a perfect road-trip with the kids from Seattle and we covered a lot of ground and never hit […]
Read MoreWe live in Seattle where our lovely teachers are trying to guarantee that ALL of our kids get enough recess among other things like not having to work for free (no one should work for free!) and I totally adore anyone who stands up for my kids. So we may or may not have a […]
Read MoreIf we remember one thing about the summer of 2015, it is that this was the summer we really embraced the road trip in our family. There are so many fabulous places within driving distance of Seattle and our newest obsession with driving electric has given us a fun reason to get out and explore. […]
Read MoreA long time ago, way before the kids were born, the hubby and I tried out a local farm box delivery for our little family of two and made a few date nights searching for recipes and making dinner together. Those meals were some of our favorites and it was nice spending time in the […]
Read MoreRemember the beginning of summer when it seemed like we had forever just to do whatever we wanted to do? It seems so far away now that school is on the horizon in Seattle and the sky gets just a little darker earlier and eating ice cream cones in the evening means putting on a […]
Read MoreThe older I get and the more I hang around my sweet kids, the more it’s starting to rub off on me: Mommy can we help the animals? Mommy why do some people have no homes and not enough to eat? Mommy, isn’t that recycling and food waste-NOT GARBAGE!!!! Fix it mommy. Mommy, Mommy! MOMMMMY!!!! […]
Read MoreIt seems that a good city can never have too many markets or dogs and thankfully in Seattle both are abundant. If we happen to be downtown Seattle and somehow make our way to our favorite window full of puppies we can stand there for hours and we tend to get hungry. I thought about […]
Read MoreSome weekends are more exciting than others and this one I’m truly ecstatic about. It might be because two of my favorite littles are coming for a visit. There is nothing cuter in my world than when the big twins and little twins get together. Friday you might want to check out a fabulous night […]
Read MoreAs long as I can remember we’ve stopped at Squamish on the way to Whistler. When I was younger it meant that we’d get an Egg McMuffin and coffee in the early morning on the way to a day of skiing from Vancouver. And then Tim Horton’s came along and we started stopping there for […]
Read MoreI am a member of the Everywhere Society and Everywhere has provided me with compensation for this post. However all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I’m totally not ready for back to school and neither are my guys, (how is summer almost over already???!!) but I guess it’s coming and I would like […]
Read MoreI remember being a teenager. I had the horrific glasses, braces and bad hair combination that I was always terrified I’d see broadcast as the poster child for the 80’s on Facebook. Becoming a teenager was not my favorite life event. But this past week the hubby and I reached the 13 year mark in […]
Read MoreA couple months ago someone from the Hands on Children’s Museum contacted me about their upcoming Sand Festival and I mentioned that not only did I not know about the festival, we had not visited the Hands On Children’s Museum yet. You must visit, they said. And so we did. Oh my goodness. How have […]
Read MoreI already have mad love for Trophy Cupcakes-it is the most adorable cupcake shop in Seattle (Especially the original one in Wallingford that is housed in an old school building) and we have a plethora of cupcake shops here to choose from. And not only does it have delicious cupcakes, but the owner, Jennifer Shea, […]
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