seattle with kids

ice cream with marshmallows in Seattle from Full Tilt Pinball

Ice Cream Day should happen here EVERYDAY (Full Tilt Ice Cream, Seattle)

July 20, 2015

If I say “do you love pinball?” and you say “yes it’s magical” with that glow in your eyes that only pinball lovers like me get, than I have found you the unicorn of places to play pinball, and it exists in at Seattle’s Full Tilt Ice Cream and you will have to go there […]

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short hikes near Seattle with kids

A family friendly hike that’s a no-brainer if you have a 4×4 but still doable if you don’t (Mirror Lake, Snoqualmie Pass, WA)

July 16, 2015

A few weeks ago when we had the use of a decked-out Toyota 4-Runner the hubby reminisced about camping and hiking trips from bygone days when we used to borrow his aunt’s 4-runner and explore.  He found a hike in Snoqualmie Pass where we’ve been hanging out a lot lately and it seemed pretty kid-friendly […]

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best playgrounds in the northwest and seattle center for kids

A very pinterest-worthy and maybe the best playground in Seattle so far (Artists at Play, Seattle Center)

July 13, 2015

I always read these lists of best playgrounds in the world and there are never any west coast, North American playgrounds in them.  Maybe people think we get too much rain here? Or maybe we keep our parks a secret.  But lately we’ve had endless sunny skies and we’ve been outdoors all the time and […]

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northwest parks to visit with kids

50 Northwest Parks in Summer

June 26, 2015

My guys want to visit 50 northwest parks this summer and I thought this was a really fun goal.  At first we pondered if we could go to the same park 50 times or if all the parks had to be in Seattle but we soon decided that we would only count different parks but […]

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cute coffee in Seattle from la reve in queen anne

To the two guys in my life I can always count on to read my posts

June 22, 2015

I watched an emotional video put out by a marketing company in my hometown-an old classmate of mine is actually in the video-and it made me tear up and realize how much I take the time I have with both of you for granted.  We do take a lot of people for granted in life, […]

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A spoonful of sugar in bucketlisting form helps the Last Day of School Eve not sting so much

June 16, 2015

We watched Mary Poppins at school today, my guys told me while we after-school snacked. So of course I took the opportunity to screech sing my rendition of “A Spoonful of Sugar” at the top of my lungs. Why are those kids taking medicine?  Are they sick?  Why doesn’t it taste good? And how does […]

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where to pick strawberries near Seattle

A U-pick strawberry patch that’s not too far from Seattle (Al Duris Strawberry Farm, Kent, WA)

June 5, 2015

(PS. the Duris Strawberry farm in Kent just opened for U-Pick for the 2022 season June 15.) I was not supposed to go strawberry picking.  I am picking out cabinets for our cabin and with all the end of school things I didn’t realize kindergarteners do, it was not high on my priority list.  But, […]

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An easy hike If you wake up in Seattle and want to go on a small hiking adventure with kids or grandparents in tow

May 23, 2015

Hikes to me mean an excuse to eat trail mix and junky foods while walking through a forest.  Sometimes a little drive to get there also heightens the adventure.  The Snoqualmie Pass area is usually one of our first choices because of the cabin project and it’s only about an hour drive from Seattle and […]

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cruise ship in seattle

Imagining we’re cruising to Alaska for the first time (with Holland America in Seattle)

May 13, 2015

Every summer in Seattle we see the shiny white cruise ships sail into their berths at the pier and I always wonder what it might be like to get on one, cast off and drift away to Alaska.  Our family is curious to know if we’re cruisers: I am a free-spirit and the hubby likes […]

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places to take pictures in seattle

A place in Seattle you might have heard of but never been (Fisherman’s Terminal, Seattle)

April 13, 2015

We have a bunch of places where we like to take out food in Seattle when we just don’t feel like cooking.  And waiting for our take-out from Chinooks at Fisherman’s Terminal is one of our favorite things to do.  Apparently the boats from Deadliest Catch come here or used to come here-I’ve never watched […]

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Savoring the last days of cherry blossoms in Seattle

April 3, 2015

All it will take is another big storm like the crazy thunder and hailstorm we had here the other night and we probably won’t be seeing these beauties again until next spring and I can already tell by my instagram feed that many of you have now moved on to tulips so I guess the […]

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le panier seattle and their cute packaging for macaron day

In case you miss Macaron Day in Seattle, here’s where we find our favorites

March 19, 2015

My little guys are big fans of macarons and every time we walk into a bakery that sells them, it feels like it could be Macaron Day, but I didn’t realize that Macaron Day is actually a thing until I was buying some pastries at Le Panier this morning and saw their gorgeous new stickers […]

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there is a nearby park if you need to run the kids after you eat ice cream

Edaleen Dairy: A stop for ice cream between Vancouver and Seattle

January 29, 2015

Just like many people like to stop for ‘gas’ at Costco when really they want to check out the handbags or the makeup, the Edaleen Dairy is a great stop for ‘milk’ before you head into Canada. And by milk I mean soft serve ice cream made from milk because this place has the best […]

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boating the sunshine coast

A few travel highlights from 2014 while I plan this year’s adventures

January 23, 2015

The hardest part of starting a New Year is saying good bye to the old one, especially if it was a good one and while other people are performing cleanses of the body detox sort, I’m purging my phone of the14000 photos I’ve managed to store there in the past year because I don’t want […]

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The time I was the one in the driver’s seat for a whole week

January 21, 2015

It is really nice to start the New Year out with a new toy and when I was contacted to test-drive a new Toyota Highlander Hybrid I was more than excited, especially since we’re looking for a vehicle that will be good to drive in winter through Snoqualmie Pass.  I knew I had it for […]

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seahawks crockpot

12 or so things you might need on a Monday if you live in Seattle

January 13, 2015

How will we ever get through the week until the next big game?  HOW WILL WE EVER GET THROUGH THE WEEK UNTIL THE NEXT BIG GAME?  All the football games seem so big right now and I actually barely understand football and I would definitely survive the week football-free if I didn’t have a 6-year […]

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Visitor Owls at Woodland Park Zoo and our first zoo visit of the New Year

January 12, 2015

Is it just me or is it also difficult for you to drag your family out of the house on a lazy Sunday afternoon?  I needed to get some fresh air so I told my kids we would either go for a hike in the woods or an ‘urban hike’ at the zoo and if […]

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An easy place to stop with kids between Seattle and Vancouver BC (Bellingham, WA)

January 5, 2015

I’ve always found Bellingham to be a great stop between Seattle and Vancouver, but it’s even more perfect now that I’ve figured out that the Whatcom Museum has free admission if you have a MOHAI family plus membership.  (Oh, how I love my MOHAI membership and make sure you get the family plus if you […]

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New Year’s frozen adventuring in Mercer Slough (Bellevue, Washington)

January 2, 2015

I hope 2015 will be the year of adventure.  From becoming an aunt for the first time, and having trips to Tofino and California cemented in stone, and knowing the cabin will be finished sometime this year, we know there’s going to be no shortage of excitement around here for sure. So we started the […]

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christmas in seattle

Letting go a little so we can catch some Christmas Magic

December 22, 2014

The thing I’m learning about Christmas, is that it sneaks up on me even when I’m not ready. So this year, I’m just going to take it as it comes. And even if we don’t get everything done perfectly or if we miss out on some things, it will be okay. It will have to. […]

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