seattle with kids

Something 2014 to bring into the New Year (Classpass, Seattle)

December 17, 2014

I’ve been known to complain about exercising and I definitely prefer sloth.  But I’ve been trying out Classpass since my birthday and it hasn’t been horrible.  I actually even signed up as a real customer after my free trial expired.  The nice thing about this pass is it’s a commitment that’s non-committal so it’s perfect […]

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family travel richmond bc

The only thing an aunt-to-be needs to buy on a Monday

December 9, 2014

Rewind me back to when my twin baby boys were born and I’d definitely be doing everything I could to find a deal to buy the city mini select stroller if only it had been invented at the time. It’s the perfect combination of our two favorite strollers in one: the city mini double which was […]

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storytime on stage at wildlights

Wildlights 2014 (Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle WA)

December 3, 2014

Wildlights at Woodland Park Zoo might be a newer light show in Seattle-it’s only on its third year-but we’ve been going since it started and it has become one of our family’s favorite Seattle holiday traditions.  The other night when we visited, the sky was bright and clear and there was still a dusting of […]

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Finding Fall at Gold Creek Pond (A great hike for kids near Snoqualmie Pass)

November 5, 2014

Everywhere in Seattle the leaves are putting on the best show they can and I’m trying to snap as many pictures of my kids as possible because it is just too beautiful to stop and one day they probably won’t want me taking so many pictures any more.  I’ve also decided that because of this […]

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the fremont troll is a must see with kids in seattle

The Fremont Troll and where we eat nearby (Fremont, Seattle)

October 29, 2014

The other day we were heading out for a simple dinner (we often eat at Tutta Bella with the kids and if we get there before 6pm it’s happy hour and dinner is even more awesome) when we decided to take a little detour up Troll street to say hello to our favorite Seattle neighborhood […]

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corn mazes with kids near seattle

Sorry to be corny but there’s something a-maze-ing at The Farm at Swan’s Trail (near Seattle, Wa)

October 16, 2014

Last year we went to the Farm at Swan’s trail because I saw it in my instagram feed and it looked like the most idyllic place ever to pick apples.  And then this year a friend and her family wanted us to go because she knew they had the most amazing corn maze.  Now things […]

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Getting away from it all with our family on the Olympic Peninsula (Kalaloch Lodge, Washington)

September 26, 2014

Every September, the whirlwind of real life catches us up to us after dreamy, long summer days playing at the beach. We get trapped in a spiral of school and sports, lessons and work and I start to feel spectacularly stuck. And this year with the cabin-building project and the kids starting kindergarten, we have […]

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kids haircut at Gene juarez

Spa Day with my Boys (Gene Juarez at Uvillage, Seattle)

August 6, 2014

I have to admit I let out a little joyous squeal when I received an email inviting me to come visit Gene Juarez in Uvillage, Seattle with my guys for haircuts. I have enjoyed many haircuts/colors/mani-pedis at Gene Juarez( and even at their Academy) over the years so of course, this one was a no-brainer.  But […]

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delicious bakery in vancouver bc

Scenes from a Northwest Summer

August 3, 2014

How. Hot. Can. It. Get??  Is this really Seattle?  Is this really what a Northwest Summer looks like? Have you been loving this crazy weather as much as we have? I swear the few people in Seattle who actually OWN umbrellas are using them to shield them from the sun.  This is a conundrum.  Do […]

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seattle sounders with kids

You might want to check out the Sounders if you’re in Seattle when there’s a game (visiting Seattle with kids)

July 30, 2014

Even after four years of going to Seattle Sounders games, I have no problem admitting I don’t really understand soccer.  From what I can see, it’s not just about getting to the goal and scoring with your team-there seems to be a little bit of soap opera stuff mixed in with guys falling down pretending […]

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buidling a cabin in the woods in Snoqualmie Pass near Seattle

Loads of home and cabin goods shopping on a Monday

July 28, 2014

Yay Monday!  It looks like there will be a lot more home stuff in my Shopping Monday posts in the next little while.  The past few weeks we’ve spent a lot of time up in Snoqualmie Pass about an hour from Seattle, Washington, where we’re starting to build our dream cabin and it looks like […]

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Friday Postcards from a Seattle Summer

July 25, 2014

For the past month I haven’t had any will to travel anywhere, the weather has been perfect and Seattle is just brilliant in the summer sunshine.  So I have something like 14000 photos from the last 30 days stuck in my phone.  About a hundred were of this little armadillo at the Point Defiance Zoo. […]

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Why a Seattle Children’s Theatre Subscription might be a good idea for your family

July 24, 2014

Okay here’s some math you might want to try if you’re in the Seattle area and you are thinking about some children’s theater this fall.  Last year we didn’t subscribe to any tickets so I totally spaced on ALL the plays at the Seattle Children’s Theatre. (even Art Dog which I heard was AMAZING!!)  So […]

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Cloud City Coffee and Pianos in the Parks (Seattle, WA)

July 19, 2014

Some things on a Friday are to wonderful not to share.  We wanted to hang out at the park with friends before some errands at Costco (and you know how how I feel about Costco) and we spent the morning at a great park in Maple Leaf. (It even has a zip-line!) And then playing spilled […]

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aardvark at Point Defiance Zoo where kids can get close up to animals

A Day-trip to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma (part of our summer staycation in Seattle)

July 16, 2014

I can barely count how many trips I’ve put into my trip-finder in Expedia for this summer and then not booked my cart.  Cabo San Lucas, Alaska, Costa Rica, Belize, San Diego and the Bahamas have all been super tempting, but the weather here in Seattle is just so beautiful, I can’t imagine leaving and […]

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Seattle Summer Bucket List 2014

July 1, 2014

We know it’s summer in Seattle when the cruise ships start announcing their arrival, the Ride the Ducks amphibious vehicles pass us every couple minutes on our city adventures and we start to see less visible moisture in the air.  And when we start getting calls from friends to go berry picking, we start making […]

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Golden Gardens and Pancakes for lunch (Seattle, WA)

June 24, 2014

An alternate perfect ending to this adventure would be stopping at the Ballard Paseo window on our way into the park for a yummy picnic lunch.  But we decided that we wanted pancakes for lunch that day so we made sure to end our trip with Portage Bay Cafe.  We were surprised at how many […]

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Little secret garden at Pike Place Market (Seattle, Wa)

June 13, 2014

The hubby and I joke about how often we come to Pike Place Market.  And since I decided that I love the mint ice cream at nearby Bottega Italia, I think we’ve been coming a LOT more than usual (We visited at least 8 times in the past couple weeks and each visit except our […]

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Trail Mix and a Brave Adventure with my guys (Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, near Olympia, Washington)

June 11, 2014

Every so often I get a whole day with my guys all to myself. I let the dishes pile up. I leave the little messes to figure themselves out until after the kids go to bed. And I plot some ridiculous adventure. And we go. On days like these we’ve ended up at the Northwest […]

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Exploring tidepools with the Seattle Aquarium (for FREE in Seattle!)

June 2, 2014

Oh you know I already have some serious love for the Seattle Aquarium and their great kids’ programs, but I just found out about their low tide Beach Naturalist program and my guys and I had so much fun exploring Tidepools with the Seattle Aquarium last week. I didn’t realize how many lovely things lived […]

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