A clear, cold night in Seattle in the fall is magical all by itself, but visiting Wildlights on a night like this is absolute perfection. Bubbly snow falls softly in some places while in others you might just get pelted by a big furry flake. (It wasn’t just toddlers and wee ones throwing these around-I […]
Read MoreAfter a weekend like this, is your pie plate half empty or half full? Over here, we’re thankful for a weekend of good food, loved ones, a little bit of shopping and total holiday spirit-we are oh so lucky in Seattle that we have such fun and festive things this time of year. I used […]
Read MoreThere are signs all over our city that Christmas is coming soon in Seattle. We took the bus downtown the other evening and watched a bucket truck setting up the Christmas tree in front of Westlake Center. The Macys’ star is all set to glow soon too. We popped in at Nordstroms’ to give a […]
Read MoreWe’re gearing up for ski season. The boys have their new ski helmets (they’re on sale at REI this week!) and we’re all ready to get up to the mountain. This winter is the first time we’re actually going to embrace total snow and learn to ski: in the past we’ve just headed up to […]
Read MoreYou know you’re a good soccer mom when you’re in Spanish class and the teacher asks what number 11 is and your too-young-to-be-cheeky kid says: “ZAKUANI.” (who by the way DOES wear numero once if you don’t know your Sounders Roster.) Any sunny day we get, the guys want to be at the field playing […]
Read MoreThis year the guys are getting a lot of use out of their costumes and it’s not even Halloween yet. The sharks checked out a sneak peek of the Woodland Park Zoo’s Wildlights, something we totally want to do this winter! They also trick or treated the Seattle Waterfront. (This pic was taken right after […]
Read MoreYou’d look like this too if you were a pumpkin in a jaguar enclosure. We love the Pumpkin Bash event at the Woodland Park Zoo every year and we stopped by last rainy weekend to see what’s in store this year. The guys loved the jack-o-lanterns everywhere. And we caught a couple animals enjoying […]
Read MoreSometime in the last little while, the hubby went out of town for work and I was lucky enough that my mom came down to babysit ME. With grandma in tow, we decided to go on a little adventure with the guys and Portland became the destination. Thank goodness for GPS. (When I was in college, […]
Read MoreNext week is round 2 of restaurant week in Seattle and I do hope you get a chance to check it out if you’re anywhere near Seattle from October 21-25. We managed to slip in a yummy lunch at oh so swank Dahlia Lounge this week. I’m not sure if they’d swoon over being touted […]
Read MoreThe other day was one of those afternoons where we were all sleepy but not sleepy enough to nap. (Well, one of us was, but that would leave Thing 1 and Thing 2 to their own antics….) We had glued eyeballs on our ghost rocks and the guys began to eye other things in the […]
Read MoreLast year we were super sad we were away for Halloween, so this year we are savoring every little ghosty moment we can. We can’t get enough of Ghosts in the House, a book we picked up at Powells Books on the weekend. It has such a cute story that I’m so glad my guys […]
Read MoreSome mornings start out with a sunrise drum-salute that thankfully goes awry. (thank you rock and roll gods….I’m so glad to put this drum to rest.) So we ended our concert early and made pie instead. We made our crust and put it in the fridge to chill for a while. (PS. that class I […]
Read MoreThank you artsy Seattle for cultivating my guys’ appreciation for sculptures. We can’t drive past this piece in the SAM Olympic Sculpture Park without both of them yelling “BIG ERASER!!!” at the top of their lungs. Imagine their delight when they found out the Big Eraser has a twin. Yes, a twin. We found it […]
Read MoreIn some dusty corner of our house a Spanish Rosetta Stone box is dying away slowly. By the time we actually remember to rescue it it’s technology will probably be obsolete. The hubby bought this expensive, awesome program with good intentions and I saw him practice a few times with the telemarketer-like headset, but to […]
Read MoreNothing beats crisp, sunny fall Sundays at Ballard Farmer’s Market and it’s no secret, because I swear everyone else in Seattle was there this past weekend and beautiful Ballard is definitely the place to be. The only thing in Ballard that isn’t very beautiful is trying to find parking. It took us nearly 20 minutes […]
Read MoreA few nights ago, the hubby and I miraculously found ourselves in West Elm for a shopping trip without the kids. We found these cute little cacti (for 99 cents each, thank you very much!) and a lovely glass bowl and I got the brilliant idea that he needed a terrarium for his desk at […]
Read MoreA couple months ago the guys celebrated their 4th birthday. They were very insistent that they have a rockstar party and the hubby was very insistent that we go with something easy. We chose to have it at the Seattle Children’s Museum where you can rent the museum after hours so you can have it […]
Read Morethis is the perfect recipe from Smitten Kitchen (a lovely food blog.) We tried it because of its adorable name: who couldn’t love a “dimply plum cake”? The boys helped by cutting up the plums. I gave them plastic takeout knives and the plastic ones from Ikea and we decided the takeout ones were a […]
Read MoreAfter camping we always come home with a 3/4 full bag of marshmallows that are not fit to be used as actual marshmallows anymore. Unfortunately we had no actual crispy rice cereal in the cupboard and I wasn’t sure what else you can do with marshmallows. I’ve seen so many yummy compost cookies on the […]
Read MoreI remember watching Sesame Street and how important that letter and number of the day thing was and I wanted to incorporate more alphabet teaching into our daily activities. And then I saw these shaped sugars on dailycandy while i was cooking oatmeal: Like any sane person I googled how to make them, because I […]
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