The guys are finally old enough for small chores around the house, so one thing that I get them to do is help with making lunch to get ready for preschool. The other day I had them make the peanut butter/banana sandwiches we were going to take for a picnic and something about the smell […]
Read MoreOn the cloudy days pre-summer, I thought we were going to make a bucket list so we could make the most out of this summer, but somehow unexpectedly it crept on us full-force. How is it halfway done already? So no bucket list. Just buckets and buckets of awesome summer fun. The guys really know […]
Read MoreI saw these frog balloons in a Chasing Firefly’s catalog and decided we had to have them but the 14 dollar price tag for one balloon sans helium seemed a little spendy. And then I found them on ebay. Not just the frog, but a whole conglomerate of 10 balloons with a ‘buy now’ price […]
Read MoreYes, you know what I’m talking about. It’s red and white and shiny all over! And we had a bunch of errands to run this morning so we headed to my new money swallowing hole Seattle CityTarget to see how shopping in our city is going to be. The parking at CityTarget is free if […]
Read MoreMaybe if your kids are in Zoo Camp you have a few minutes for yourself. I took a moment to pretend I was alone in Hawaii in Seattle at nearby Fresh Flours. You can actually find me at Fresh Flours often, it’s such a delicious bakery. Hello Pineapple Coconut Danish delight (washed down with an […]
Read MoreEvery month I get a ton of magazines and one of my favorites is Sunset Magazine, so when a friend asked me to go berry picking a couple weeks ago, I thought it would be the perfect way to try out this recipe for a buttery raspberry lemon cake from the July issue. The boys […]
Read MoreI. Hate. Cleaning. I don’t really know why I bother at all. Messes in a house with kids just seem to happen the minute you make things spotless and then you have to clean them up again and it’s such a vicious cycle that I think would be so much better if you just stopped […]
Read MoreOne thing my guys look for at every Seattle festival is the Center For Wooden Boats station. I think there was one at last year’s Folklife Festival and there was definitely one at the South Lake Union Block Party. (It’s happening in a few weeks on August 10th!) This year we built ours at the […]
Read MoreI’m dying to see that movie what to expect when you’re expecting, because I remember reading that book and feeling so overwhelmed-even before we knew we were having twins. Since the day we announced we were pregnant with the duo, the number one question we get asked is “Were you expecting twins?” Maybe it’s conversation. […]
Read MoreI head to Kidsquest at Factoria Mall when I don’t want the guys to play with the water table at home. They can play for hours on this part they call “Ballard Locks.” It’s pretty much an indoor water play area where the kids put on aprons and pretend they’re trying to stay dry while […]
Read MoreI’ve been running just over two months now, and it’s been long enough to make it almost a habit. I’m up to 5 minutes running 2 minutes walking for about 45 minutes about 3+ times a week so that’s about an hour and a half where I just zone out, feel strong, run my route […]
Read MoreBefore last week I thought the three things every boy mom needed in her purse were: 1) band-aids. (I’ve been tempted to cart around a cooler of ice too and a small medic kit, but I think that is excessive.) 2) a cup. (The hubby wonders why I have all these old coffee cups in […]
Read MoreWhen we first traveled with the guys we always carted along this cheap baby monitor so we could hear them in one room sleeping while we sat on the patio or vegged in another room. (We tend to get places with more than one room when we travel so we can actually zone out and […]
Read MoreMy guys’ third occupational choice after pilot and UPS driver would probably be construction worker tied with garbage man. They love the construction exhibit at the Children’s Museum. They could spend hours there clocking in, collecting supplies, getting their outfits on and screwing things together. Before having boys I didn’t really have the same appreciation […]
Read MoreThe past week has flown by in a blur and possibly hundreds of pictures on my phone. Here are 10 of my favorites: Leelee on the top of the slide at Mom and Me at Woodland Park Zoo. The Bean with his first ever face-painting on his wrist from another zoo event. Flowers my […]
Read MoreTwo reasons you might want to check out this restaurant in Pike Place Market: 1) their kids’ meals are ginormous. (Yes, the fries and macaroni and cheese are part of the same meal. Not the healthiest, but the fries tasted yummy with MY salad;) We’ve been here a couple times and I love their panzanella […]
Read MoreI have the perfect spot picked out for this chair on my deck so I can read and relax in the summer but I’m scared the guys are going to use it as a trapeze bar/rope swing/vehicle for death-defying acts. How do I know this? We went to the Om Culture kid’s playtime a couple […]
Read MoreSee that guy lying down in the middle of the field? In other sports you would expect the game would stop, right? Someone would check to make sure he’s breathing. You don’t just lie down in the middle of a game unless there’s something seriously wrong. But in soccer, they let him flop and flail […]
Read MoreIf there is one show to see in Seattle with kids this summer, I think it’s the Recess Monkeys in Tents at Teatro Zinzanni. (And this is even after having a wailing terrified three-year old in tow.) The show is pure magic and my boys loved it. Even the scared one who was the only […]
Read More“If food is yummy, tip your head back and close your eyes and say mmmmmm like this!” says the Bean. Oh and pancakes are a finger food. Always. We love going for brunch and we love trying new places. We tried Skillet Diner when it was a food truck and the new restaurant is lovely […]
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