I keep tons of stickers on hand. They are great for adding extra pizzazz to crafts and they’re so handy when you travel as long as they don’t get stuck on windows or other things but I’m usually stuck in the middle of the duo so it’s easy to keep tabs. The hubby recently bought […]
Sitting at the bus stop near our house I got a text from my neighbor that went something like: “omg my hubby just saw you at the bus stop-we could have totally given you a ride to the airport!!” And as much as that was so totally sweet and we probably looked ridiculous sitting there […]
Sometime last week I heard a rumor that a truck called Slate Coffee was selling my favorite Fuji Bakery pastries, so I had to go check it out. Nevermind that I am not a big fan of food trucks (gasp!). I just didn’t realize that they have sinks and real cooking facilities inside. Until we […]
Wednesday was a busy day. So busy that I didn’t want to get out of my pajamas. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I didn’t want to see the glorious sunshine streaming through all the windows in the house. One of the busy things was that I knew I had to run my […]
For some reason my facebook feed is filled with posts about goals lately and it made me think about the virtual Seattle bucket list the guys and I have been discussing. And it’s so true that if we don’t actually put these things in writing, we won’t do them because we’ll forget or replace these […]
This is not exactly the same instant ice cream goodness you get when you open the freezer and just reach for a tub but it’s a little less plan-ahead than if you actually want to make ice cream in a MAKER and 5-minute ice cream is really fun to make. I don’t know if it’s […]
So I saw these pillows ages ago on Land Of Nod and didn’t actually end up buying them before they sold out but I totally wish I did. But they looked pretty simple to try and re-create and I always thought it might be fun to make something with a world map on it, so […]
Oh my favorite happy place in Seattle is even happier right now. There are baby animals everywhere and it makes me feel like I’m on a delightful safari some where far away even though I’m in my own backyard. We love visiting all year round but when there are baby animals at the zoo it […]
Everytime we go to Ella Bailey park I feel like I’m playing tourist in my own town because of its spectacular views of the Seattle skyline. Sometimes we get photos on the tire swing, or while the kids are climbing ropes like Spider Man. The huge slide here terrifies me (remember I’m terrified of all things […]
The other day the hubby had time to meet for lunch so I scanned some Seattle Restaurant Week offerings that were in the neighborhood. Usually I call ahead to see if a restaurant has a kids’ meal (to find out if it’s kid-friendly or not) and I forgot to this time, but Cuoco has one […]
I love springtime with my guys. They are always finding something new in the garden for us to explore. We recently planted carrots, zucchini,pumpkins, peas and beans and we noticed the other day that the little carrots are starting to grow. We also decided to work on another project. My Camelia bush in the backyard […]
Normally I wouldn’t welcome a blizzard. I’m not even a total fan of the ones at Dairy Queen, even though they can be quite delightful. But last week we had an especially blustery day and all the cherry blossoms in the neighborhood came down like snow. The boys and I went for a walk […]
Oh how much do I love this new book that recently arrived in the mail? Sea Star Wishes: Poems from the Coast has the most delightful poems. They are short and sweet about little things in the ocean like limpets and sea cucumbers and ginormous things like ferries and waves. The neat thing about it […]
A few weeks ago, I couldn’t figure out what a whole line-up of people was lined up for at the market. The line-up was longer than the line-up for Bastille and that one was wrapped around the door! It turns out it was eggs. EGGS! These eggs are so popular at the Ballard Farmers […]
There are many ways to say I love you and I always thought a little love note tucked into school lunches was the cutest thing. Unfortunately my guys aren’t really impressed with little notes with hearts and xoxo’s from me. I was also obsessed with bento too, but unfortunately again my guys don’t love food with […]
Maybe it’s because we did ALL the laundry in the house yesterday, but here’s what we’re doing to prep for the big egg hunt this weekend: finding one sock and matching it to another. It’s like a free version of memory that is perfect for preschoolers and I’m trying to convince them it will help […]
Oh Monday morning. Today when I heard the pitter-patter of little feet, I didn’t want to get up so I threw the covers over my head and played a game called “Mommy’s hiding” until the littles gave up trying to find me and started a new game instead. And then I came up with the […]
I can’t help but take photos of so many things we do, and then the week goes by and I have too many memories that I forget to share or they’re not really big enough to blog about. So before they get lost in the 5000+ photos stuck in my phone, here are some of […]
Don’t think I’m the least bit envious. See this and realize that this is what my life with two boys looks like: This is the bottom of the actual envelope that’s staring me down from my kitchen table right now. I’m a little scared to open it. Does open immediately mean right now or is […]
Quarter rides are great, especially if you go to a place like Crossroads Mall in Bellevue (yes, it’s the same mall where you’ll find the famous Wiggleworks and if you haven’t been to that mall in a while, it’s definitely worth re-visiting) where they’re interspersed through the mall so you can shop, do a ride, […]