A dandelion has got to be the smartest weed in the world because no kid can resist picking one. How fun is blowing their seeds all over the place and right now my guys are totally obsessed with them. After a recent bike ride, we found a whole field of dandelions near the parking lot […]
Read MoreI don’t know why all the best kid-friendly places seem to be pizza places, but this is one I remember fondly from when I was a kid and it’s really neat that my guys totally love it too. The pizza at Me and Ed’s is crispy California style-and the best part is that the kids […]
Read MoreEver since I saw this yummy marshmallow delight in a Williams-Sonoma catalog, I’ve been craving chocolate covered grahams and marshmallows in a bunny shape. And tonight was one of those nights when I needed to get what I want. Because somewhere in between the boys bopping each other and having an epic tantrum, someone used […]
Read MoreThere is a noodle store in Tokyo that was so yummy we went there twice. But we don’t know what it was called. All we know is along the way, Leelee climbed all over this chair in front of a store that sold clothes for nursing mothers. And a block or two later we went […]
Read MoreAnother month has zipped by and I can’t believe February is gone. It even had a bonus day, and that managed to zip by too. How does this happen? I remember when it seemed like the days couldn’t go by fast enough…. But, watching a month go by helps celebrate some things. Like I’ve managed […]
Read MoreIf you know me, you know that I’m afraid of many things. Playgrounds. Heights. Elevators. Getting cash from inside of bank. (Um, yes. There might be a hold-up, you never know.) But blood is definitely at the top of the list. Even the thought of it gives me the shivers. Blech. Blood. So when I […]
Read MoreThere is one reason why we have a Seattle Art Museum membership for our family right now and I wish I could tell you it was because I wanted my kids to be cultured and appreciate art. But, it’s not. It’s because I love this room. I can put my feet up and relax while […]
Read MoreWe were running errands all morning and I asked the boys where they wanted to go for a snack as a reward for tagging along. And they decided that they wanted doughnuts. (Or donuts?) But what they really wanted were “sprinkly” Top Pot doughnuts to be exact. (I guess I didn’t specify a healthy snack.) […]
Read MoreThree must be the new thirteen. I didn’t think I’d have to answer tough questions this early, and they keep coming rapid-fire. “Mommy? How did I get in your belly? Did you eat me?” or “Mommy? Why is my poo brown? Why Mommy! Tell me why!” And then we have the days when we don’t […]
Read MoreToday I got a little overly-crafty. I thought we’d make a little tray of bento cucumber “Frogs in Love” for a playdate today as the Bean adores frogs. But it got to be a little much. I got as far as cutting out the frog shapes and cheese eyes and then realized I still needed […]
Read MoreIt’s amazing how kids relate books and daily life. It’s been a little spring-like lately, so the boys have really enjoyed this book about a boy who nurses a garden back to life in the middle of a city where greenery has been long forgotten: And so when we went to the Northwest Flower and […]
Read MoreThis is what waiting at the airport looks like sometimes with kids in tow. We bring things like our trunki suitcases to keep our kids entertained but in reality when flights get delayed or there isn’t a lot of space to sit down in our waiting area, there isn’t much we can do. Sometimes we […]
Read MoreA perfect morning for the boys and I, is a trip out to our farm. I guess it’s not really our farm, but we feel like it is. It’s only about a half an hour away from Seattle and we adore Farmer Jayne and the other staff who work there. We take a lot of […]
Read MoreThis morning we took a a page from the boy’s Owl Book where he welcomes in Winter and brought the snow inside to play because this was one of those rare mornings where we woke up to snow in Seattle. It was almost as messy as the snow disaster in the Owl book we read, […]
Read MoreAccording to this article we have a “juicy storm” coming our way. I totally thought it was coming today so I’ve prepared for the biggest snowstorm ever. I forgot that living in the United States the news is always Armageddon with the weather so I totally wasted my day thinking I would be stuck on […]
Read MoreThe boys love this book that they received when they wee babies (Thank you Marcia and Ken!) and I think because they love it, they also love the sea otters at the aquarium. So when I told them that one of the sea otters was going to have a baby a couple weeks ago, it’s been […]
Read MoreWhen I first heard about Postcardly I wasn’t sure how I was going to use it: the grandparents, aunts and uncles all live in Canada and it doesn’t work for international addresses( yet). BUT, I suddenly realized how fantastic it would be for sending to our local friends and I’ve been having fun sending playdate […]
Read MoreSome days the world just seems a whole lot more wonderful. I could watch the octopus at the Seattle Aquarium all day. It’s probably the most active one we’ve ever seen and we love to check out the octopus tank when we come to the aquarium to visit our undersea friends. The kids also love […]
Read MoreIf you by any chance have a little boy who is scared of plays, or even just scared of being scared, you might want to find this door the next time you go to the Seattle Children’s Theatre. It’s the Quiet Room. I think it’s meant for screaming babies because there were a few in […]
Read MoreI think today’s breakfast place will be a favorite in 2012. We’ve driven by numerous times and I fell in love with the logo: And now I’ve fallen in love with their breakfast. We went to the Cheeky Cafe this morning with Auntie and Uncle J and were thrilled to find that the menu had […]
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