I love springtime with my guys. They are always finding something new in the garden for us to explore. We recently planted carrots, zucchini,pumpkins, peas and beans and we noticed the other day that the little carrots are starting to grow. We also decided to work on another project. My Camelia bush in the backyard […]
Normally I wouldn’t welcome a blizzard. I’m not even a total fan of the ones at Dairy Queen, even though they can be quite delightful. But last week we had an especially blustery day and all the cherry blossoms in the neighborhood came down like snow. The boys and I went for a walk […]
This is the look of a kid who knows a good pain au chocolat at a delicious bakery. Oh and here’s his brother who has also been well-schooled. As a family of world travelers we don’t know all the famous paintings, we don’t often read those exhibit signs at museums or zoos, we sometimes miss […]
It’s hard to go too long without a visit to one of our favorite Northwest cities: Portland. This city is so fabulously kid-friendly and so fantastically coffee-addict/foodie/site-seeing friendly that we can’t help but adore traveling to Portland with kids. This time we added a couple new stops and I’ll have to remember how fun Easter […]
Every year I wait for a little silver card that comes around November to let me know I’m “in” for a fabulous night at Nordstrom shopping because I’ve loved the store so much during the year. And every year I face the tsk tsk tsk of the hubby because he knows that the little […]
Oh how much do I love this new book that recently arrived in the mail? Sea Star Wishes: Poems from the Coast has the most delightful poems. They are short and sweet about little things in the ocean like limpets and sea cucumbers and ginormous things like ferries and waves. The neat thing about it […]
A few weeks ago, I couldn’t figure out what a whole line-up of people was lined up for at the market. The line-up was longer than the line-up for Bastille and that one was wrapped around the door! It turns out it was eggs. EGGS! These eggs are so popular at the Ballard Farmers […]
There are many ways to say I love you and I always thought a little love note tucked into school lunches was the cutest thing. Unfortunately my guys aren’t really impressed with little notes with hearts and xoxo’s from me. I was also obsessed with bento too, but unfortunately again my guys don’t love food with […]
Maybe it’s because we did ALL the laundry in the house yesterday, but here’s what we’re doing to prep for the big egg hunt this weekend: finding one sock and matching it to another. It’s like a free version of memory that is perfect for preschoolers and I’m trying to convince them it will help […]
Oh Monday morning. Today when I heard the pitter-patter of little feet, I didn’t want to get up so I threw the covers over my head and played a game called “Mommy’s hiding” until the littles gave up trying to find me and started a new game instead. And then I came up with the […]
A little while ago, we revisited this farm I used to go with my family as a child-it’s very close to downtown Vancouver, maybe about a 20 minute drive. It’s on the way to Mount Seymour too. The day we went the animals were all out and about and there are so many things for […]
I can’t help but take photos of so many things we do, and then the week goes by and I have too many memories that I forget to share or they’re not really big enough to blog about. So before they get lost in the 5000+ photos stuck in my phone, here are some of […]
Don’t think I’m the least bit envious. See this and realize that this is what my life with two boys looks like: This is the bottom of the actual envelope that’s staring me down from my kitchen table right now. I’m a little scared to open it. Does open immediately mean right now or is […]
We had just had a lovely couple nights at a beautiful resort and I was brushing my teeth, looking over our next stay’s itinerary and getting ready to check out when I had that sinking feeling. “What day is it?” I asked the hubby. “Thursday.” Not Wednesday? “No. It’s Thursday.” Oh (insert multiple child-unfriendly terms […]
There is a steady stream of boxes that arrives at my door each week and I always love finding things I can make with them. Sometimes we make cars. Or forts. Or airplanes. Or little swim goggles for our animal friends. Last week I decided that my parents needed a giant pull-string pinata for their […]
Normally, these kinds of wishes are taboo. These are the ones you think,yes, great, now move along and think of something else to wish for, something more realistic. But you really can feed pandas at the Zoo Atlanta. Who wouldn’t want to feed a panda? How is this even possible? This picture is from their […]
Technically this is a travel post. My parents turned 60 a little while ago and my sis and I decided to throw a fun 60th birthday party to celebrate. We threw the party at my sister’s home in Steveston British Columbia, Canada. If you’ve never been to Steveston it’s not far from Vancouver and it’s […]
Quarter rides are great, especially if you go to a place like Crossroads Mall in Bellevue (yes, it’s the same mall where you’ll find the famous Wiggleworks and if you haven’t been to that mall in a while, it’s definitely worth re-visiting) where they’re interspersed through the mall so you can shop, do a ride, […]
As much as I want to know about where to eat, where to sleep and what to do when we go on vacation, I totally also need to know where to take the kids when they need to go! We were in the midst of toilet-training when we first took the boys to Asia and […]
1. I used to loathe this day more than any other day in the world because there is nothing worse than waking up early-especially when you know that whatever time you’re waking up today would have given you one extra hour the day before. But now that I have guys that always wake up early, […]